Trying to ensure you keep up with maintaining your driveway or parking lot? If you’ve noticed your pavement looking worn or damaged, you’re in the right place. Our pavements endure a lot, from extreme weather to daily use, and using the right asphalt sealant is key to keeping them in good condition.

Choosing the best asphalt sealant isn’t just about making your driveway look good; it’s about preserving your investment and avoiding costly repairs down the line. But with so many options on the market, how do you know which one is right for you? That’s exactly what we’re here to help you figure out.

From understanding the different types of sealants to considering your specific needs and environment, we’ve got the expert advice you need to make the best choice for your pavement.

Understanding Asphalt Sealant

So, you’re probably wondering, “What exactly is asphalt sealant, and why do I need it?” Think of asphalt sealant as a protective layer that you apply over your driveway or parking lot.

Its main job? To shield your asphalt from everything that tries to wear it down – water, oil, UV rays, and even the occasional spill from your car.

Now, why is this important? Well, without this layer of protection, your asphalt is like a sponge. It absorbs all the moisture, oil, and chemicals it comes into contact with. Over time, this absorption leads to cracks, potholes, and other damage that can be expensive to fix.

But with the right sealant, you can prevent a lot of this damage, extending the life of your pavement and keeping it looking great.

The benefits of using asphalt sealant go beyond just protection. It also enhances the appearance of your pavement, giving it a fresh, new look. Plus, it can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for repairs and resurfacing.

So, when you think about maintaining your driveway or parking lot, remember that applying a good quality asphalt sealant is one of the most effective things you can do. It’s like giving your pavement a shield and a makeover all at once. And who doesn’t want their driveway to look good and last longer?

Types of Asphalt Sealants

Alright, let’s dive into the world of asphalt sealants. It’s a bit like walking into a coffee shop with too many options on the menu. Just when you think you know what you want, you’re hit with choices you didn’t even know existed. But don’t worry, I’m here to break it down for you, making it as easy as choosing your morning coffee.

Coal Tar Sealants- Beware

First up, we have coal tar sealants. These are the heavy-duty players in the sealant world. They’re tough, resistant to just about everything – water, oil, UV rays, you name it. Think of them as the all-weather jacket for your driveway.

However, they’re not without controversy. Environmental concerns have led some areas to restrict their use, so it’s worth checking local regulations before you decide on this one.

Coal tar sealants are widely used for their durability and effectiveness in protecting asphalt pavements from moisture, chemicals, and UV damage. However, they also come with a set of challenges that can impact both the environment and the application process.

Here are the five most common problems associated with coal tar sealants:

Environmental and Health Concerns

Coal tar sealants release high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are known to be harmful to aquatic life, potentially carcinogenic to humans, and can contaminate water sources. Due to these environmental and health risks, some states and municipalities have banned or restricted the use of coal tar-based products.

Odor and Fumes

The application of coal tar sealants produces strong odors and fumes that can be unpleasant and potentially harmful to those applying the sealant and those in the surrounding area. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted during application require proper protective equipment and can pose health risks without adequate ventilation.

Application Restrictions

Due to the toxic nature of the fumes and the environmental impact, there are stricter regulations and guidelines for the application of coal tar sealants. This can limit when and where they can be applied, requiring contractors to obtain special permits or opt for alternative products in certain areas.

Cleanup and Disposal

The cleanup process for coal tar sealant is more involved than for other types of sealants. Tools and equipment used during application can be difficult to clean and may require the use of solvents. Additionally, any waste or excess material must be disposed of properly to avoid environmental contamination.

Surface Discoloration and Aesthetic Issues

Over time, coal tar sealants can cause the asphalt surface to become extremely dark or develop a glossy sheen that some property owners may find unattractive. Additionally, in areas where coal tar sealant use is heavy, runoff can stain concrete and other surfaces, leading to aesthetic concerns.

The growing environmental and health concerns have led to increased interest in and the development of more eco-friendly alternatives that aim to provide similar levels of protection without the associated risks.

According to, this “shiny, black sealant contains toxic compounds known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, which can seep into the environment. As a result, several cities have banned the sale and use of the product, and some localities are suing coal tar sealant manufacturers to get them to pay for the costly environmental cleanups.”

Did you see where several cities have BANNED this product? Just so you know before you decide.

Asphalt Emulsion Sealers

Next, we have asphalt emulsion sealants. These are the eco-friendlier cousins of coal tar sealants. They’re great for residential areas and are easier on the environment.

If your driveway could talk, it would thank you for choosing something that keeps it protected and doesn’t harm the planet.

Asphalt emulsion sealants are popular for their eco-friendliness and ease of use, especially compared to coal tar sealants. They are water-based, which makes them safer for the environment and human health. However, like all materials, they have their own set of challenges.

Asphalt emulsion sealers are the best choice, according to most professionals. With coal tar an untenable solution for most individuals these days, asphalt emulsion sealers are the go-to choice for most asphalt contractors who care about the environment.

The five most common problems associated with asphalt emulsion sealants only exist when compared to coal tar:

Less Durability

Compared to coal tar sealants, asphalt emulsion sealants generally offer less durability. They may not withstand heavy traffic or harsh weather conditions as effectively, leading to a shorter lifespan and the need for more frequent reapplications to maintain the integrity of the pavement.

Weather Sensitivity

Asphalt emulsion sealants are more sensitive to weather conditions during application. They require a warm, dry climate for optimal curing. If applied in too cold or damp conditions, the sealant may not adhere properly or could take longer to dry, compromising its effectiveness.

Wear from UV Exposure

While asphalt emulsion sealants do protect against UV damage, they can wear down faster under constant exposure to strong sunlight compared to other types of sealants. This UV sensitivity can lead to fading and the need for more frequent maintenance to keep the pavement protected and looking good.

Susceptibility to Water Damage

Although asphalt emulsion sealants are designed to protect against moisture, they can be more susceptible to water damage than coal tar sealants. If not properly applied or if the sealant has begun to wear, water can penetrate the sealant, leading to potential damage to the underlying asphalt.

Application Thickness and Uniformity Issues

Achieving the right thickness and uniformity can be more challenging with asphalt emulsion sealants. If applied too thinly, the sealant may not provide adequate protection. Conversely, applying it too thickly can lead to surface issues like flaking or peeling as the sealant dries. Ensuring even coverage requires careful application techniques.

Despite these potential issues, asphalt emulsion sealants are a preferred choice for many due to their lower environmental impact and safer application process.

With proper preparation, application, and maintenance, many of the common problems can be mitigated, making asphalt emulsion sealants a preferred option for protecting and extending the life of asphalt pavements. Contracting with an experienced asphalt contractor can prevent you from facing these issues with your asphalt driveway or parking lot.

Acrylic-Based Sealants

Then there’s the acrylic-based sealants. These are the stylish ones of the bunch, available in various colors to match your aesthetic. They’re durable and fast-drying, making them a popular choice for those who want to spruce up their pavement’s look while offering protection.

Acrylic-based sealants are favored for their durability, flexibility, and aesthetic appeal, offering a range of finishes from matte to high gloss. However, like all materials, they have their own set of challenges.

Here are the five most common problems associated with acrylic-based sealants:


Acrylic-based sealants tend to be more expensive than other types of sealants, such as coal tar or asphalt emulsion sealants. The higher cost can be a significant factor for large projects or for individuals working within a tight budget.

Sensitivity to Weather Conditions

While acrylic sealants are durable once cured, their application is sensitive to weather conditions. They require a dry, relatively warm climate to properly adhere and cure. Applying them in cold or damp conditions can lead to poor adhesion, delayed curing times, and a compromised seal.

Preparation and Application Requirements

Acrylic sealants demand thorough surface preparation to ensure good adhesion. The pavement must be clean and free of oils, dust, and debris. Additionally, these sealants often require precise application techniques and conditions (such as temperature and humidity levels), making DIY applications challenging for those without experience.

Wear Over Time

Although acrylic-based sealants are known for their UV resistance and color retention, they can wear down over time due to heavy traffic, abrasive materials, and extreme weather conditions. This wear can lead to the need for more frequent reapplications compared to some other sealant types.

Environmental Impact

Some acrylic sealants contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be harmful to the environment and human health during application. The environmental impact and health concerns associated with VOCs have led to stricter regulations and the development of low-VOC or VOC-free formulations, which may not always perform as well under certain conditions or may still carry a higher cost.

Despite these potential issues, acrylic-based sealants remain a popular choice for many due to their aesthetic flexibility, durability, and resistance to weathering and chemicals. Proper planning, application, and maintenance can mitigate many of the common problems, making them a viable option for both residential and commercial paving projects.

Fast-Dry Sealants

Lastly, we have fast-dry sealants. Need to use your driveway or parking lot ASAP? These sealants dry in a hurry, getting you back on your pavement in no time. They’re perfect for commercial spaces where downtime means lost revenue. However, fast dry sealants have problems:

Fast dry sealants are popular for their quick curing times, making them a go-to choice for projects that need to be completed swiftly. However, like any product, they come with their own set of challenges.

Here are the five most common problems associated with fast dry sealants:

Application Difficulty

Due to their rapid-drying nature, fast-dry sealants require quick and precise application. This can be challenging, especially for DIYers or less experienced contractors. If not applied swiftly and evenly, it can lead to uneven coverage, streaking, or missed spots, compromising the sealant’s effectiveness and appearance.

Limited Working Time

The quick drying time means there’s a shorter window to work with the product after it’s been applied. This can make it difficult to correct any mistakes or imperfections before the sealant dries. For larger areas, this might result in sections drying before they can be properly smoothed or blended.

Higher Cost

Fast dry sealants often come at a higher price point compared to traditional sealants. This is due to the specialized chemicals and additives that are used to accelerate the drying process. For budget-conscious projects, the cost difference can be a significant factor.

Potential for Cracking

Some fast dry sealants may be more prone to cracking over time, especially if applied too thickly or if the pavement isn’t properly prepared. The rapid drying process can sometimes lead to a less flexible finish, which might not accommodate the natural expansion and contraction of the asphalt as well.

Adhesion Issues

If the surface isn’t properly cleaned and prepared, or if the sealant is applied in less-than-ideal conditions (such as in extreme temperatures or humidity), fast dry sealants can suffer from poor adhesion. This can lead to peeling or flaking, reducing the lifespan of the sealant and necessitating more frequent reapplications.

Despite these challenges, fast dry sealants can be highly effective when used correctly and in the right circumstances. Proper surface preparation, careful application, and adherence to the manufacturer’s guidelines can mitigate many of these issues, ensuring a durable and protective finish.

Summing Up the Types of Asphalt Sealers

Each type of sealant has its pros and cons, and the best choice for you depends on a few factors like your climate, the condition of your pavement, and what you’re looking to get out of the sealant.

It’s a bit like choosing a car; you want one that fits your lifestyle, budget, and needs. So, take a moment to consider what’s most important for your pavement, and let’s find the perfect match together.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Asphalt Sealant

Now that we’ve navigated the menu of asphalt sealants together, let’s talk about how to pick the perfect one for your driveway or parking lot. It’s a bit like choosing a Netflix show; you want something that fits your mood, preferences, and the time you have available. Similarly, selecting the right sealant depends on a few key factors:


First off, think about the weather. Just like you’d dress differently for a sunny day versus a snowstorm, your pavement needs different protection based on your climate. If you’re in an area with harsh winters, you’ll need a sealant that can stand up to freeze-thaw cycles without cracking. On the flip side, in hot, sunny climates, look for a sealant that’s resistant to UV rays to prevent fading and deterioration.

Traffic Volume

Next, consider how busy your pavement is. If your driveway is more like a quiet country road, you might not need the same level of durability as a bustling shopping center parking lot. Higher traffic areas demand a tougher sealant that can handle the wear and tear of cars coming and going.

Pavement Age and Condition

Think about the age of your pavement and its current condition. Newer asphalt has different needs than older, more worn surfaces. If your pavement is showing signs of aging, you might want a sealant that can fill small cracks and give it a rejuvenating facelift.

Environmental Regulations

Keep in mind any local environmental regulations. Some areas have restrictions on certain types of sealants due to their impact on the environment. It’s like checking the dress code before you go to a restaurant; you want to make sure you’re in compliance to avoid any issues.


Lastly, let’s talk budget. We all have financial constraints to consider, whether we’re planning a family vacation or fixing up our home. Sealants come in a range of prices, and while it’s tempting to go for the cheapest option, remember that you often get what you pay for. Investing in a quality sealant can save you money in the long run by extending the life of your pavement and reducing the need for repairs.

Choosing the right asphalt sealant is about balancing these factors to find the best fit for your specific situation. It’s a bit like making a recipe; you need the right ingredients in the right amounts to get the perfect outcome.

So, take a moment to consider these factors, and you’ll be well on your way to selecting the ideal sealant for your pavement.

Expert Recommendations on Asphalt Emulsion Sealant

When it comes to protecting and enhancing the longevity of your asphalt surfaces, whether it’s a bustling parking lot or the driveway that welcomes you home, asphalt emulsion sealant stands out as a clear choice for both commercial and residential applications.

Let’s dive into why this sealant not only meets the high demand of clients but also excels in delivering added durability and a visually appealing finish.

The Superior Choice for Asphalt Pavements

Asphalt emulsion sealer is a champion in the realm of asphalt sealants. Its eco-friendly composition and ease of application make it a favorite among professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

Whether you’re sealing a vast parking lot or a cozy residential driveway, the versatility of asphalt emulsion sealer ensures your asphalt pavement receives the best care.

Why Choose Asphalt Emulsion Sealer?

Fast Drying for Quick Turnaround

Time is of the essence, especially for commercial spaces like parking lots and airports, where every minute counts. Asphalt emulsion sealant dries quickly, allowing for a faster reopening of the sealed area to traffic. This fast-drying feature means less downtime and more convenience for you and your clients.

Added Durability with Two Coats

For those areas exposed to harsh conditions, applying two coats of this sealant can significantly extend the life of your asphalt surfaces. This added layer of protection helps to prevent water, oil, and UV rays from penetrating the asphalt, thereby preventing damage from rain, snow, and the sun.

Enhanced Appearance and Protection

With its ability to fill and seal cracks, asphalt emulsion sealer not only prevents moisture and oil from damaging the asphalt but also enhances the overall look of the pavement. The result is a sleek, blacktop finish that boosts curb appeal and protects against the elements.

Economical and Efficient

Considering how much asphalt sealer you’ll need for your project, asphalt emulsion sealant offers an economical solution. Available in bulk purchases, you can efficiently cover large areas like parking lots or multiple driveways with just one drum or four skids, ensuring full-page coverage and long-lasting protection.

Ease of Application

Whether you prefer using a squeegee, brush, or roller, applying asphalt emulsion sealer is straightforward. Its smooth consistency ensures even coverage, making it easy to seal and protect your asphalt surfaces. For added durability, incorporating sand into the mix can provide extra traction and extend the life of the seal coat.

Making the Best Choice

To sum up, whether you’re tasked with maintaining the integrity of a commercial parking lot or simply looking to extend the life of your residential asphalt driveway, asphalt emulsion sealant provides a reliable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing solution.

With its ability to protect against moisture, UV rays, and oil, while also offering fast drying times and added durability, it’s no wonder that asphalt emulsion sealer is the top choice for sealing driveways, parking lots, and even airports.

So, the next time you’re considering sealcoating, remember that the right product not only extends the life of your asphalt but also enhances the value and appearance of your property.

Comprehensive Asphalt Services with AMP Paving

At AMP Paving, we understand that your parking lot, driveway, or commercial pavement is more than just a space for vehicles; it’s a significant investment in your property’s value and appearance.

That’s why we offer a full suite of asphalt services designed to protect, maintain, and enhance your asphalt surfaces. From the initial installation to routine maintenance and everything in between, our team of experts is here to ensure your pavement is always in top condition.

Our Approach to Asphalt Excellence

Tailored Solutions: We recognize that every project is unique. Whether it’s a sprawling parking lot for a high-demand client or a cozy residential driveway, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Our team assesses your space, listens to your concerns, and crafts a solution that aligns with your goals and budget.

Sustainable Practices: In line with our commitment to the environment and our community, we choose asphalt emulsion sealants that are eco-friendly and safe for both our team and your property. We believe in sustainable practices that not only protect your pavement but also contribute to a healthier planet.

Quality Materials and Application: At AMP Paving, we use only the highest quality asphalt emulsion sealants and materials. Our commitment to quality means selecting products that offer the best protection against UV rays, rain, snow, and oil, ensuring your pavement remains resilient and attractive for years to come. With precision application techniques, whether by squeegee, brush, or roller, we guarantee even coverage and lasting results.

Expert Recommendations and Services: Our expertise doesn’t stop at sealcoating. We provide comprehensive asphalt services, including repair, filling, sealing, and coating.

  • Need advice on how much asphalt sealer your project requires?
  • Wondering about the benefits of adding sand for extra traction?

Our team is here to answer your questions and offer the expert recommendations you need to make informed decisions.

Convenient, Hassle-Free Experience: We understand that asphalt maintenance can be disruptive. That’s why we prioritize your convenience, scheduling services at times that work best for you and ensuring a fast, efficient process.

Our goal is to minimize downtime and disruption, allowing you to enjoy beautifully sealed and protected pavement with minimal hassle.

Why Choose AMP Paving?

Choosing AMP Paving means partnering with a team that values integrity, quality, and customer satisfaction. We’re not just contractors; we’re your neighbors, dedicated to enhancing our community one pavement at a time. With AMP Paving, you can expect:

  • Comprehensive services tailored to your needs
  • High-quality materials for long-lasting results
  • Expert advice and recommendations
  • A convenient, hassle-free experience
  • Commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly options

Your asphalt surfaces are a vital part of your property’s functionality and aesthetic appeal. Let AMP Paving help you protect and enhance your investment with our comprehensive asphalt services.

Contact us today at 803-237-4563 to schedule a FREE quote for your next asphalt project. Together, we’ll ensure your pavement is always ready to make a great first impression.