When it comes to asphalt installation, how thick the pavement should be is always a concern. A thin layer of asphalt may seem like a good idea to save money, but this can lead to cracking and other damage in the future. This article will discuss how to ensure a durable and long-lasting pavement for your home or business.

Asphalt Paving Process

Laying asphalt begins with the soil and subgrade preparation. This is the foundation of your pavement structure, so it intensely matters!

If you look at pictures of roads that came apart in the 2023 earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, you can see only a top overlay of asphalt without subgrade preparation. The roads were unprepared for stress, with subgrade layers nonexistent.

Subgrade Preparation

Your subgrade needs to sustain construction machinery and future traffic by forming the foundation for your pavement structure. So your subgrade material must be well-compacted and graded. Achieving this guarantees higher quality and more durable pavement in the long run.

When assessing the load-bearing capacity of the existing subgrade soil, an excellent asphalt contractor will evaluate sub-layer materials based on previous experience. With years of asphalt construction experience, top-notch contractors can ensure the best possible outcome for your design project.

Industry practices mean your contractor will likely remove any topsoil and improve low-quality soil by adding asphalt, lime, or other sub grade. materials

Asphalt Paving Thickness

Once the subgrade is properly prepared and compacted, a contractor can determine the asphalt thickness. The ideal thickness for an asphalt installation depends on climate, traffic load, erosion risk, etc.

For example, if an area experiences a lot of vehicular traffic, thicker asphalt overlay should be used to minimize rutting and cracking in the future.

Residential asphalt driveways may require a different asphalt paving mixture than a parking lot or different municipalities with continual heavy vehicles driving on them. And the minimum thickness increases for heavier vehicles and municipal roadways. 

Generally speaking, residential driveways need around 2-3 inches thick of asphalt top layer, while commercial driveways may require 4+ inches depending on their intended use. The recommended thickness for driveway design is at least 2 inches of asphalt with an aggregate base.

Asphalt contractors will measure the depth of the pavement with tools such as auger attachments and calipers to ensure accurate thickness that meets best industry practices.

How Thick Should Asphalt Driveway Be?

When it comes to residential asphalt driveway thickness, many homeowners have questions about how much asphalt the surface layer should contain. After all, you want your driveway to last for years while the new asphalt withstands the wear and tear of everyday use! The standards for a good driveway mean a thick asphalt layer that will stand up to the test of time.

For a new driveway, your contractor considers:

  • Good drainage practices
  • Aggregates to cover the soil subgrade
  • Chemical binders
  • Asphalt optimal mix structure
  • Soil subgrade
  • Surface course asphalt components

An experienced contractor will lay down the hot mix asphalt last. Then, they will measure your asphalt driveway thickness to ensure no asphalt issues, such as cracking, come up later. The proper thickness matters when it comes to the durability of your new residential driveway!

Bottom Line

Asphalt mix and binder course matter, but the foundation is also crucial to an asphalt installation’s durability.

While having an ideal base is advantageous, it doesn’t determine the success of your project alone. Adequate asphalt thickness matters too! If you lay pavement at an inadequate depth, you can anticipate needing to redo your work within 10 years!

By working with an experienced asphalt contractor, ensure your project meets the necessary industry standards for performance and longevity. Reviewing the contractor’s credentials and portfolio before signing any agreement is highly recommended.

If a contractor fails to meet industry requirements, you may end up with pavement that costs more in maintenance and repairs than expected!

Our Experienced Asphalt Pavement Contractors Can Help

Take the time to hire a reliable asphalt company to ensure your new driveway or parking lot stands up to traffic demands for years to come! Contact us today at AMP Paving for a free quote and to find the expertise you need for your next project!

With our assistance, you can get your asphalt paving done right and feel good about your pavement lasting for decades!