It can feel daunting to think about paving a parking lot for your business. You may worry about cost and wonder which materials to use. In addition, you need a company that can stripe the lot and add signage for safety. Let’s look at the top 5 benefits of asphalt parking lot paving and how it can help bring in more business for you!

Why Pave A Parking Lot?

First off, if you don’t already have a paved parking area for clients, there is good reason to create one for your business! An organized lot with professional striping is a great way to designate more parking spots. Also, when customers park on the road, it is not safe and is simply not good business practice.

In addition, your business can satisfy ADA parking requirements with striping and signage. You don’t want to disenfranchise those clients who need spaces close to the entrance of a facility. Ensure that you’re in legal compliance, improve traffic flow, and give your parking area the boundaries to keep clients safe.

Benefits of an ASPHALT Parking Lot

As a business owner, you want a parking lot that looks good and stays functional for years with minimal maintenance. Asphalt is the product you’re looking for. While you may consider concrete, there are reasons asphalt is the better choice.

Benefit 1: Low-Cost Installation & Minimal Maintenance

Concrete parking lots can be expensive to install and maintain. Asphalt parking lots are a more affordable option.

Because asphalt contains a binder that keeps it from breaking up and cracking as easily as concrete, it withstands temperature changes much better. Asphalt parking lots require much less maintenance than concrete, with only an inexpensive sealcoat every 2-3 years for decades of durable blacktop, clear striping, and pothole-free parking! 

Benefit 2: Quick Turnaround Time

Concrete can take a week to set and cure. That means your business is out of commission for that entire time. Who has time to sit and wait in our competitive business world?

However, with asphalt, your parking lot is ready in much less time. You’re back in business sooner with quick turnaround times.

Benefit 3: Safety

Asphalt parking lots are a safe option for motorists and pedestrians. They’re less slippery when wet than concrete, so vehicles get better traction, making them a safer option.

In addition, the color contrast between the blacktop and the striping is hard to miss! With a well-laid-out asphalt parking lot, clients know where to watch out for cars as they walk in. Drivers quickly see crosswalks and watch for pedestrians.

Benefit 4: Eco-Friendly Asphalt

Asphalt is eco-friendly! Over 400 million tons of asphalt gets reclaimed into new asphalt each year in the US.  Asphalt companies can even reuse asphalt more than once!

“Asphalt is 100 percent reusable and recycled at a higher rate than any other material in America — including soda cans and newspaper. In fact, 94 percent of asphalt reclaimed from old roads and parking lots goes back into new pavements.” (1)

With asphalt’s level of sustainability, you can rest assured that your business is doing its part for the environment!

Benefit 5: Curb Appeal

Asphalt parking lots look clean and professional, giving customers an excellent first impression of your business. Your parking lot is often the first thing customers see when they come to your business. If it’s poorly maintained, it can give off a wrong impression.

A newly installed and/maintained asphalt parking lot with bright striping and signage impresses potential clients and encourages them to do business with you. It shows that you care about your property and are willing to invest in its upkeep. A nice parking area can go a long way in building trust with potential customers.

Plan Your Asphalt Parking Lot Paving

Ensure a quality job for your lot by choosing an experienced and capable asphalt paving company. An experienced asphalt paving company will know the legal guidelines in your area and make proper recommendations for everything you need!

Find a capable asphalt paving company by checking out websites, reading reviews, and talking to friends and family.

Talking with asphalt company owners or meeting in person can also help you make the best decision. Getting to know the individuals running the company can give you a feel for what kind of work they will produce.

We Can Help

At AMP Paving, we have decades of experience in quality asphalt paving, striping, and signage at an affordable price. If you need your parking lot paved or resurfaced, we can help. Contact us today for a free estimate. We’ll gladly answer any questions you have about parking lot paving and help you decide if asphalt is the right choice for your business.